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Social Events​

We hold a ton of socials for drinkers and non-drinkers alike, including circles, bar crawls, nights out, pub quizzes, coffee socials, trips to student and professional theatre and days out! Lit Soc is more of a family than a society, as is illustrated by our LitSoc Families system. If you'd like to join the fun antics of our members, follow Warwick Literature Society on Facebook and Instagram to be kept in the loop on upcoming events! 

Lit Soc Tour

Tour is an amazing way to visit a new place on a budget, while bonding with all of your new amazing Lit Soc friends. We always make sure there's something for everyone on our Tours, whether you're interested in Art, History, Nature, Adventure, Food or consuming copious amounts of alcohol (not that we're going to limit you to just one of these pursuits). Stay tuned for more information on signing up for Tour, the one thing we can guarantee is that you will have an AMAZING time!

Academic Aid Sessions

While we're all about having a good time, we do also aim to give Literature students the support and help which will make the transition to degree level easier, and will make their experience of Warwick and even (scary!) life after uni as good as it can be. Online, we hold 'Pass the Book' where 2nd and 3rd years sell on their module reading from previous years, allowing students to purchase books they need without spending their entire student loan (those anthologies can be expensive!) 


On top of this, we run regular Academic Aid events including sessions with resident professors, talks from external speakers, Q&A sessions with graduates and older students to get advice on uni and beyond, a Module Market to get realistic reviews on 2nd and 3rd year modules and advice on what to take, and so much more. Even beyond this, the exec are always on hand to lend advice on any aspect of Warwick life and navigating the exceedingly complex Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, so feel free to email the society or message us individually on Facebook.


This website also has an 'Academic Aid' section which contains some basic information on modules, essays, referencing and CVs, so have a read through if you're a bit lost, and hopefully we will already have thought about the answers for you!

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